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Result for the training at Bhavanisagar - 62, Batch has been published.

Course Completion Certificate for BHAVANISAGAR- 64 Batch has been published.

Training Module

Under the 41 working days Condensed Foundation Course, the follow-ing subjects are being taught to the trainees as under:-

Subjects   Time Allotted
Office Procedure : 50 Hours
Service Procedure : 33 Hours
Accounts : 96 Hours
Public Relations : 11 Hours
Rural Development : 26 Hours
Fundamentals of Computer : 24 Hours
Special Lectures : 12Hours
Total : 252 Hours @ 36 Days
Examinations : 5 Day
Total Training Days : 41 Days Per Batch

The daily training schedule was designed for CSTI by Government way back in 1974. It commences with Prayer at 05.45 am. The Schedule is as under:-

Time Program
05.00 AM Wake Up Call
05.45 AM to 06.15 AM Prayer
06.15 AM TO 07.15 AM Physical Education / Shramdhaan
07.15 AM TO 07.30 AM Morning Coffee
08.00 AM TO 08.30 AM Breakfast
09.00 AM TO 01.00 PM Forenoon Session Classes
01.00 PM TO 02.00 PM Lunch
02.00 PM TO 05.00 PM Afternoon Session Classes
05.00 PM TO 05.15 PM Evening Snacks
05.30 PM TO 07.30 PM Library / Sports
08.00 PM TO 08.30 PM Dinner & Bed Milk
09.00 PM TO 10.00 PM Study Hours
10.00PM Sleep

There are four special sessions being conducted for every Batch on RTI, Personal Financial Management, Conservation of Forests & Environment and one Symposium on Disciplinary Procedures. In addition to that, 2 quiz programs have been conducted from their subjects, to improve their attraction and curiosity over the curriculum.

Daily Shramdhan Activities

There will be two Tea Breaks one in the forenoon session and another in afternoon session. In every batch, Cultural Programmes are organized for every batch to infuse self-confidence, self-esteem of the trainees and also it makes the trainees more participative in their approach and develops team spirit and to empower them with event management skills, coordinating skills and to inculcate leadership qualities among them.

Sports & Yoga Activities

Likewise, Sports meet is also organized for every batch separately for men and women officers. In the class rooms, regular home works are given by the faculty members and to develop participatory teaching, the trainees are given topics to take lectures on their own.

Quiz Programmes

Instead of traditional ways of teaching, new methods of teaching, learning and evaluation may inspire the trainees desire for learning and once the students mind is set on fire, it will find its way to provide its own fuel. Thus, the ultimate goal of self-teaching and learning could be achieved. With this view in mind, we thought of conducting quiz competitions in their curricular subjects in every batch in 2 phases.

Quiz games promote active learning and provide motivational impetus. They also enhance meaningful knowledge retention by igniting interest and placing theoretical subjects in a real perspective. Thus, game styled quiz competitions based on can be an effective tool to increase interest and motivation and enhance learning is established beyond doubt.

The main objective of the Quiz Programs in CSTI are as follows.

  • To encourage students to look beyond their textual knowledge and establish a relationship between theory and application of the learnt concepts in their offices.
  • To read the topic in depth and to increase desire for learning more and more about the subject.
  • To foster interaction between trainees and faculty.
  • To identify gaps in knowledge and essentially, it reduces forgetting which makes the next related study area more productive.
  • By giving scores or self-assessments, they can better predict their knowledge and be more confident about what they know and what they need to know.
  • It provides feedback to faculties and lets them know what is learned or what is not.
  • It promotes a healthy debate amongst trainees in order to learn from each other.
  • Aiding in the team building process and Promoting group harmony.
  • Aiding to relieve the tension of the daily work routine and being fun to participate in but with a competitive element.